When we buy in Internet, the user often to go to portals of opinion to see effectiveness and quality of the products or services.
The negative part, they become established, in which when looking for the product in Google, she can find an offer of the same of the competition and we lose the sale.
We have developed one I modulate for virtual stores, that she is going to allow us offering that information to our customers that stop browsing our store without and to close down the sale without a moment in which speed is determining and efficacy.
- When we are seeing a product she has added a new eyelash, where conversation topics are seen on the set on that product.
- We have the last conversation topics of our forum in the store cover.
We let you a video where it can be seen.
If you are interested in this module or in any other one, we develop any type of custom-made functionality.
If that functionality is in-box and universal, in addition to save you development, you will generate new opportunities of business with our system of commission and cross purchase
Having good day
Best regards
Idea Consultores
The negative part, they become established, in which when looking for the product in Google, she can find an offer of the same of the competition and we lose the sale.
We have developed one I modulate for virtual stores, that she is going to allow us offering that information to our customers that stop browsing our store without and to close down the sale without a moment in which speed is determining and efficacy.
- When we are seeing a product she has added a new eyelash, where conversation topics are seen on the set on that product.
- We have the last conversation topics of our forum in the store cover.
We let you a video where it can be seen.
If you are interested in this module or in any other one, we develop any type of custom-made functionality.
If that functionality is in-box and universal, in addition to save you development, you will generate new opportunities of business with our system of commission and cross purchase
Having good day
Best regards
Idea Consultores
- 17:55